Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Learn Malay's Language

Malay English
-saya,aku(sa/ya, a/ku) -I
-kamu (ka/mu) -you
-kami (ka/mi) -our
-ayah (a/yah) -father
-emak (e/mak) -mother
-kakak (ka/kak) -sister
-abang (a/bang) -brother
-rumah (ru/mah) -house
-kerja (ker/ja) -work

Lukisan Adik

Adik aku memang pandai melukis.Ni salah satu lukisan dia.Walaupun aku ni juga salah seorang pelukis dan minat melukis,tapi aku rasa lukisan aku tak sehebat dia.Dalam keluarga aku ramai yang pandai melukis,mungkin turun daripada bakat mak aku yang memang pandai melukis....

Tips Mengajar Pencuri Telefon Bimbit

Baru2 ni saya ada terbaca kat internet tentang tips menjaga keselamatan telefon bimbit.
Bagaimana caranya? Ia sebenarnya sangat mudah.Tahukah anda bahawa setiap telefon bimbit mempunyai nombor siri IMEI yang tersendiri. Nombor IMEI� (International Mobile Equipment Identity) adalah unik untuk setiap telefon bimbit.

Nombor IMEI sebanyak 15-digit ini adalah seperti cap jari elektronik untuk setiap telefon bimbit yang dipancarkan setiap kali ia digunakan, yang mana ia akan mendedahkan identiti telefon bimbit tu.

Nombor ni biasanya kita boleh jumpa dicetak dibawah bateri dibelakang telefon bimbit. Atau cara yang lebih pantas ialah dengan menekan *#06#

Bila nombor 15 ni keluar, kita hanya perlu catatkan dan simpan ditempat yang boleh didapatkan semula.

Sekiranya telefon bimbit anda hilang, anda boleh melaporkan kehilangan telefon bimbit anda kepada pemberi khidmat telefon bimbit seperti TM, Maxis,Hotlink atau Digi.

Berikan nombor ini kepada mereka supaya ia boleh disenarai hitamkan. Sekiranya pencuri menukarkan kad SIM, ia masih tidak dapat digunakan kerana telefon bimbit sudah dihalang penggunaan.

Walaupun anda mungkin tidak lagi mendapat telefon bimbit anda, dengan
menjadikan ia tidak berguna sudah cukup memuaskan hati. sekiranya
setiap daripada kita mencatatkan nombor siri IMEI dan melaporkan
nombor siri ini apabila kehilangan telefon bimbit.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Resepi Roti Canai

Roti Canai (Untuk 10 Keping)

200 g (2 cawan) tepung gandum
100 g tepung penuh mil
60 g (1 biji) telur
50 ml (1/4 cawan) susu rendah lemak
20 g (2 sudu makan) minyak sayuran
50 g (2 1/2 sudu makan) marjerin
air untuk menguli

Cara membuat roti

1.Tepung diadun dengan telur, susu,
garam dan air secukupnya.
2.Uli sehingga lembut dan perapkan dengan
sedikit marjerin. Bulat-bulatkan kepada
sepuluh ketul yang sama besar. Biarkan
selama dua puluh minit.
3.Canaikan mengikut bentuk yang anda
suka. Goreng garing dengan sedikit
4.Bila masak, tepuk-tepukkan supaya
gembur dan cepat sejuk.

Cara menghidang

Sesuai dimakan dengan kuah dal, kari, ikan,
dalca atau acar.

Resepi Pizza

Kulit Pizza
Tepung Gandum 250 gram
Yis Segera 5 gram (1/2 packet kecil)
Air 3/4 cawan
Garam 1 sudu teh
Gula 1 sudu teh

Inti (Topping) Pizza
Minyak makan 2 sudu makan
Tomato sos 4 sudu makan (jika suka pedas guna sos cili)
Sosej ayam 2 batang (boleh ganti tuna, sardin, ayam dll)
Sayur capur 1/4 cawan (boleh ganti lain-lain sayur kesukaan anda)
Keju berparut 100-250 gram

1. Oven dipanaskan dahulu pada suhu 220-230 darjah C (400-440 darjah F)
2. Larutkan yis dan gula kedalam air suam hingga naik bueh halus
3. Masukkan larutan yis kedalam tepung gandum dan masukkan garam,
4. Uli adunan hingga sebati (tidak melekat)
5. Perap adunan hingga naik kepada saiz 2 kali ganda
6. Canai adunan supaya boleh dimasukkan kedalam acuan pembakar (bergaris pusat 10-12
7. Sapukan permukaan adunan dengan minyak makan dan sos tomato.
Lapiskan dengan sayur campur dan sausage yang telah dipotong kecil dan lapiskan
dengan keju berparut.
8. Peramkan adunan pizza hingga 30 minit
9. Bakar pizza dalam oven selama 25 hingga 30 minit

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Resepi cheese cake

Bahan-bahan ( 18 cm )

250g cream cheese
200cc/ml fresh cream/plain yogurt
2 sudu besar jus lemon
3 sudu besar tepung gandum
2 biji telur
90g gula
Cara-cara Panaskan oven 170 degree. Sapukan loyang dgn butter atau alas dgn kertas minyak pun ok(oven paper)
Masukkan semua bahan-bahan ke dalam mixer atau blander. Mix biar sampai jadi cream
Masukkan ke dalam loyang dan bakar selama 40-45 minit
Setelah hampir masak atau selepas 30 minit bolehlah letak aluminium foil untuk mengelakkan permukaan hangus.
Bila sejuk, simpan dalam peti ais semalaman untuk mendapatkan rasa cheese cake yang sedap.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Diet and Fitness

By The Editors of Women's Health
Trying to slim down but can't bear the thought of giving up your daily dish of dulce de leche fro-yo? No problem. Too much deprivation is bad for dieters — trimming more than 500 calories a day can slow down your metabolism and trigger cravings intense enough to sabotage even the most valiant weight-loss efforts, according to Cynthia Sass, R.D., coauthor of Your Diet Is Driving Me Crazy. So the only question is: How fast do you want to lose the weight? Whether your goal is to shed a pound a week (the amount you can lose if you cut 500 calories a day) or a pound a month (if you cut 100), we've got the tricks and tips you need to kiss those extra pounds goodbye — without kissing off cake.

To Lose 1 Pound Per Week
Dodge dining-out disasters
Even your seemingly healthy grilled swordfish and vegetables can pack more calories and fat than a stick of butter. "Many restaurant meals contain up to 2 ounces of added oil [500 calories]," says Anita Jones, founder of the Healthy Dining Program, which analyzes the nutritional content of restaurant food. Pasta dishes are notorious: Oil is used throughout the cooking process and added to sauces and cooked noodles. Stick with steamed veggies and grilled, poached, or broiled lean protein (like poultry and fish), and ask the chef to prepare your dishes without oil. Or just cook meals at home instead of eating out.

Careful With That Cappuccino
Vanilla shots, caramel, sugar packets — they're not harmless just because they're in your cup of joe. A large white-chocolate mocha with whipped cream from Starbucks logs in at 630 calories (the whip alone has 100!). Get your sweet fix with two shots of sugar-free vanilla syrup in a medium cappuccino with soy or fat-free milk and kick 500 empty calories to the curb.

Dress Down
"Most entrée salads at restaurants are pre-dressed with 6 to 10 tablespoons of dressing," Jones says. "And most dressings have 70 to 100 calories per tablespoon and 7 to 10 grams of fat." That's an average of 680 calories just for the dressing (let's not even get into croutons and bacon bits). Order dressing on the side and dip into it sparingly with your fork between bites — you'll cut back to about 2 tablespoons (roughly 175 calories).

Lighten Up At Happy Hour
If it tastes sweet or has a salty rim, it's usually bad news — think cosmos, lemon drops, and appletinis. Most cocktails have 2 to 5 ounces of liquor. Add in 5 ounces of sugary syrups or mixers like cola, grenadine, and Midori and you can down more than 700 calories in just one drink. Stay away from Margaritaville (and below 100 calories) by pairing your liquor with diet or club soda. Or go for a bottle of light beer or a 5-ounce glass of chardonnay, which contain around 125 calories each. Sorry, Jimmy.

To Lose 1 Pound Every 2 Weeks
Cut Out 300 Calories A Day

Be Tricky In The Kitchen
For leaner cuisine — and to save 115 calories — swap out that tablespoon of olive oil for canola or olive oil cooking spray. Sauté vegetables and fish with 1/4 cup of broth rather than 1 tablespoon of butter and trim 100 more. Replace the quarter cup of heavy cream in Alfredo and cheese sauces with the same amount of skim milk mixed with 2 tablespoons of flour — bam, another 150.

Switch Dishes
The larger the serving dish, the more you're likely to consume, according to recent research in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Downsize your ice cream bowl and serve that fettuccine on a 9-inch appetizer plate instead of a standard 11-inch dish — you can save up to 300 calories in a day, says Jenna Anding, Ph.D., associate professor of nutrition and food science at Texas A&M University. Dining out? Cut your entreé in half and doggie-bag it as soon as your food arrives.

Skip The Sweet Swill
"One of the easiest ways to uncover hidden calories is to look at your beverage consumption," Sass says. American women get up to 300 more calories a day now than they did 30 years ago. At least half of those come from sweetened beverages like soda and fruit juice, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A 20-ounce bottle of Arizona Iced Tea has 240 calories — about as much as a small meal. Ditch the sports drinks, fruit punch, and Slurpees and get your produce nutrients from whole fruit instead of juice — a 1-pint carton of Tropicana Pure Premium orange juice has 220 calories. An orange? About 35.

Pare Down Your PMS Picks
Forgo the cup of Ben & Jerry's for the same amount of low-fat ice cream. Slow-Churned Dreyer's Grand Light Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough has only 260 calories per cup. The B&J version? 540 calories. Yeah, we know that eating Ben & Jerry's is as close as any of us is likely to get to paradise on earth. So if you just can't live without the boys, mix 2 tablespoons into a cup of the skinnier stuff and you'll still save 250 calories.

To Lose 1 Pound Per Month
Cut Out 100 Calories A Day

Buy Skinnier Bread
The calorie content in different brands can vary as wildly as Anna Nicole's "before" and "after" shots. For example, Milton's Healthy Whole Grain packs 90 calories a slice, while Sara Lee Delightful Wheat weighs in at just 45. Switch brands and you cut your sandwich calories by 90. Better yet, wrap your cold cuts in lettuce — a big leaf of romaine has only 10 calories.

Trade Up Your Toppings
Swap the half-cup of guacamole on your burrito for an equal amount of salsa and spare yourself 150 calories. Get the same savings by using salsa in place of the sour cream on your baked potato and the mayo on your wrap. Other tricks of the topping trade: Swap Gorgonzola for grated Parmesan, dip vegetables into hummus instead of ranch dressing, and sprinkle salads with lightly toasted pecans rather than oil-soaked croutons.

Turn Off The Tube
We know Laguna Beach reruns can be just as tempting as tiramisu, but too many hours in front of your plasma screen can wreak havoc on your waistline. Researchers from Georgia State University found that people took in up to 130 more calories on days when they ate in front of the TV than on days when they left the remote alone.

Spritz Up Your Vino
Mix 3 ounces of club soda with 3 ounces of wine and your drink will have about 60 calories. If you usually have two glasses of Shiraz, substituting the bubbly stuff will save you about 120 calories. An added bonus: Research shows that moderate drinking (one drink daily for women) may increase levels of leptin, a natural hormone that curbs the appetite for sweets.

Camouflage Your Candy
A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that office workers who kept candy within reach in a clear dish ate three times as much as those who kept it farther away in an opaque container. That's a 150-calorie difference. If you've gotta have a Godiva stash, make sure it's out of sight and that you have to work (at least a little) to get to it.

Bulk Up
Eating low-cal, fiber-rich foods before a meal — think fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups — can help reduce your total calorie intake. A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that women who ate a 100-calorie salad before their meal consumed 12 percent less — 107 fewer calories — overall (salad included) than those who skipped the leafy appetizer. Make your first course a cup of veggie soup or 2 cups of mixed salad with reduced-fat cheese and fat-free dressing. Now get chopping!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chocolate Cake's Recipe

bahan A
250 gm butter
210 gm gula kastor/halus
5 biji telur ayam

bahan B
210 gm tepung gandum ]
1 sudu teh baking powder ] ayak bersama
50 gm serbuk koko ]
80 ml susu segar/fresh milk

1. Pukul butter dan gula sehingga gebu/kembang
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan pukul lagi.
3. Masukkan tepung yg diayakkan diselangselikan dengan susu.
4. Kacau rata dan masukkan kedalam acuan.
5. Bakar dalam suhu 180'C selama 50 - 60 minit.
6. Sejukkan dan jika suka tuangkan coklat cream icing.

Cream Coklat
250 gm cooking coklat
1 sudu besar majerin
1/2 cawan fresh cream/whipping cream

1. Cairkan cooking coklat secara double-boil.
2. Angkat dari air panas tadi dan masukkan fresh cream/whipping cream dan majerin dan kacau sehingga sebati.
3. Tuangkan atas kek. Hiaskan mengikut citarasa masing-masing

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Raikkonen quickest in Malaysian practice

AP - Friday, April 3KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Kimi Raikkonen set the scene for a Ferrari comeback by setting the fastest time in practice Friday ahead of Sunday's Malaysian Formula One Grand Prix.

Raikonnen's time of 1 minute, 35.707 seconds in the afternoon session was faster than last year's pole-winning time set by teammate Felipe Massa, who was second quickest Friday, an eighth of a second behind.

Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel, Williams' Nico Rosberg and Mark Webber of Red Bull followed the Ferrari pair.

Brawn drivers Jenson Button and Rubens Barrichello, who finished 1-2 in last weekend's season-opening Australian GP, were sixth and seventh on the time sheets, ahead of Williams' Kazuki Nakajima.

Raikkonen's strong showing shook off doubts about the reliability of the Ferrari after a mishap in morning practice, when smoke began billowing into the cockpit and streaming from the rear of the car. Ferrari did not disclose the problem, amid reports of an overheating KERS energy storage device.

Ferrari qualified first and second for the Malaysian GP last year after a pointless season opener in Australia, and Friday's practice raised hopes of a repeat recovery after once again leaving Melbourne empty handed.

Rain threatened the Sepang circuit in the afternoon, but both morning and afternoon sessions were dry, preventing teams trying out their wet weather settings. This heightened the chances that they will go into Sunday's race _ with rain forecast _ without the benefit of acquainting themselves with a wet track.

Force India's Giancarlo Fisichella was the main casualty of the second practice, spearing off the track on the dual right-handers of turns 10 and 11, sideswiping the tire wall. It ended his session, but he walked away unhurt.

Rosberg set the fastest time in the morning practice, making it four straight practice sessions in which the German had topped the time sheets after the three at Melbourne last week.

Rosberg's time of 1 minute, 36.260 seconds was just four hundredths of a second quicker than teammate Nakajima.

Reigning world champion Lewis Hamilton's horror week _ after being stripped of his third place in Australia for misleading stewards in an inquiry _ continued when the McLaren driver was fined �1,200 ($1,600) for breaching the pit lane speed limit during morning practice.

Malaysia's Najib sworn in as new prime minister

AFP - Friday, April 3KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - - Najib Razak was sworn in as Malaysia's sixth prime minister Friday, assuming charge of reuniting the fractured ruling party and steering the nation through the global economic downturn.

He took the oath of office in front of the Malaysian king at a ceremony at the palace broadcast live on national television.

The planned transfer of power follows the resignation Thursday of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who analysts say failed to live up to his promises during six unremarkable years in office.

"I, Najib Razak, who has been chosen to hold the post of prime minister, swear that I will carry out the responsibilities which I have been entrusted with to the best of my ability" the 55-year-old said.

"I will be true to Malaysia and will defend and uphold the constitution."

A religious official then read several verses from the Koran to pray for a successful leadership.

Najib's accession to the premiership completes a transition triggered by elections last year when the ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO) slumped to its worst ever performance.

Abdullah, who was widely criticised as weak and ineffective, agreed several months ago to step down amid the fallout from those elections, which reshaped Malaysia's political landscape.

When he first came into office Abdullah pledged sweeping reforms including tackling corruption -- seen as endemic both in the ruling party and society at large.

In the end, he was punished at the ballot box last year for not making good on those promises, when the opposition won an unprecedented one third of seats in parliament and seized control of five states.

Najib, who wsa Abdullah's deputy and finance minister, became president of UMNO last week at its annual assembly, which was dominated by debate on how to overhaul the party and reclaim popular support.

According to Malaysian political tradition, the party leader takes on the country's premiership at the head of the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional coalition.

Najib, the 55-year-old son and nephew of two former prime ministers, has said he will focus on uniting the multi-racial nation after ethnic minorities shifted to the opposition in the 2008 polls.

Malaysia's population is dominated by Muslim Malays, and among the ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities there is some sense that their rights are being eroded as the nation becomes increasingly "Islamised."

Najib also faces the challenge of cushioning the country's economy from the impact of the global economic crisis, which has sparked the loss of more than 26,000 jobs here since the beginning of the year.

Last month he unveiled a stimulus package worth 16.2 billion dollars, but has warned that Malaysia's export-driven economy could shrink by 1.0 percent this year despite the massive spending.

However, analysts say that before he can begin to tackle these issues, he must first clear the air over opposition allegations linking him to the murder in 2006 of the mistress of his close aide -- a Mongolian woman whose body was blown up with military-grade explosives.

He has also been forced to reject corruption allegations as well as charges that his administration would adopt hardline tactics, including the detention of its opponents, under tough internal security laws.